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Aspinwall Civil Service   



Annual Report

"The Civil Service System was established to ensure the maintenance of a merit personnel system to recruit, employ, promote and retain qualified persons for employment within the Borough of Aspinwall. It is the mission of the Civil Service Commission to administer and preserve the merit system while being responsive to the principles of equal opportunity employment and sound labor-management relations."

-ACSC Mission Statement








January 2020








On January 30, 2019, Mayor Noro swore in Jeff Witte as a Commission Alternate.


2019 Aspinwall Civil Service Commission


Robert McCarthy                     Chairperson


Ed Watters                               Vice-Chairperson


Katie Hourvitz                          Secretary


Tripp Clarke                             Alternate


Sandra Witte                           Alternate


Jeff Witte                                 Alternate


Testing of the nine (9) candidates for the position of full time police officer has been completed.


Testing scores were calculated by Bill Gamble, Municipal Police Testing/ Personnel Management Consultant. An Eligibility List was compiled and adopted on February 26, 2019.


Aspinwall Chief of Police, David Nemec performed the required background investigations.


On June 10, 2019 the Commission certified the "List of Three". "List of Three"

1.) Josh M. O'Conner 2.) Shane M. Brunner 3.) Jason Blank








In the Fall of 2019, Katie Hourvitz resigned from the Commission. Tripp Clarke was elevated to Secretary.


2020 Aspinwall Civil Service Commission


Robert McCarthy                     Chairperson


Ed Watters                               Vice - Chairperson


Tripp Clarke                             Secretary


Sandra Witte                           Alternate


Jeff Witte                                  Alternate


Open                                        Alternate


The Commission has discussed the quality of our presence on the Aspinwall website and has discussed our need for one (1) additional Alternate and the need for an "Alternate Commissioners in Waiting" list.







Aspinwall Borough Council

C/o Melissa Lang O'Malley, Manager Aspinwall, PA 15215



Dear Ms. Melissa Lang O'Malley:


The Aspinwall Civil Service Commission, at its public meeting on June 10, 2019, certified the "List of Three" from the February 26, 2019 Eligibility List.


Aspinwall "List of Three"...


1.) Josh M. O'Conner 2.) Shane M. Brunner 3.) Jason Blank

Borough Office

217 Commercial Ave

Aspinwall, PA 15215


M, T, TH 8:30 - 4:30

Wed 12:00 - 7:00

Fri 8:3o - 12:30

© Borough of Aspinwall

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